Recording now available on YouTube
For many years, transgenerational transmission of trauma used to be explained with learning theories or in psychoanalytic terms as “radioactive identification.” At that time, nobody believed that a trauma of a parent could also leave physical “scars” on the child. During the last decade significant progress in neuroscience has begun to uncover the biological mysteries of hereditary memory. This biological line of research assumes that exposure to “Holocaust radiation” might be highly toxic for a developing embryo. Despite this progress, however, there is still no radiation detection instrument, such as the Geiger counter for “Holocaust radioactivity.” In his lecture Natan Kellermann will discusses the possible use of biomarkers to measure Holocaust traumatization and wether we can confirm that the traumatization of the first generation “lingered on” as a result of a germline transmission of epigenetic information between generations.
Dr. Natan Kellermann is a former executive director and chief psychologist of AMCHA, an organization providing support to Holocaust survivors and their descendants. He is is author of numerous studies, including the acclaimed book, Holocaust Trauma: Psychological Effects and Treatment.Please register for the event via
Haus der Psychologie
Am Köllnischen Park 2